EFİ’ nin NWFP Etkinliği-21 Mart 2022/ 14 30-17 00

Akdeniz Orman Haftasının resmi programlarından birisi olarak, 21 Mart 2022 Pazartesi günü saat 14:30-17:00 arasında “Non-wood forest products for people, nature and the green economy. Recommendations for policy priorities in the Mediterranean- İnsan, doğa ve yeşil ekonomi için odun dışı orman ürünleri. Akdeniz’de politika öncelikleri için öneriler” başlıklı bir oturum organize edilecektir.

İsmail Belen’ in Sunumu:

EFİ’ nin raporu:

Avrupa Orman Enstitüsü- https://efi.int/ tarafından organize edilen bu oturumda Türkçe/İngilizce/Fransızca çeviri hizmeti verilecek olup, 4 Mart 2022 tarihi itibariyle program linkteki gibidir.

Bu oturumda İsmail Belen‘ in “The national Turkish context: the National Turkish Program on Non-Wood Forest Products” başlıklı, Özgür Balcı‘ nın ise “the Turkish NWFP information system” başlıklı sunumları bulunmaktadır.

Dear speakers to the session Non-wood forest products for people, nature and the green economy. Recommendations for policy priorities in the Mediterranean,

Our session will be next Monday afternoon. Please, find below some important remarks and notices:

IMPORTANT remarks to be prepared:

  • We will have a 45-min common debate with the morning session on NWPF “Improving the value-chain of Mediterranean Wild Food Products (WFP): special insight into how certification, branding and labelling can upgrade the economic value of edible non-wood forest products” (organised by CTFC and INRGREF; programme attached) starting at 11:30. We highly recommend you attending this first session (in-person or on-line) in order to have a more fruitful discussion during the debate.
  • More details on the structure of the debate will be provided tomorrow morning (16 March).
  • We highly recommend you reding the white paper “Non-wood forest products for people, nature and the green economy. Recommendations for policy priorities in Europe” (attached), which will be the core element of our session. Concerning the morning session, we invite you to get informed by visiting the website: https://wildfood.ctfc.cat/
  • To prepare your intervention, please read the “Expected result” column in the programme.
  • To make your presentation, use the attached PowerPoint templates provided by SilvaMed. Once your presentation ready, please, send it to me to have a back-up and ensure smooth transition from one to the following.

Some notices:

  • The session will be in English, Turkish and French, with simultaneous translation among the three languages. It will also be accessible on-line.
  • I will be the moderator and Giulia Muir, the reporter, writing the minutes.
  • You will find the programme (attached) who of us will be there in-person and who will be online.
  • For any question about your intervention, registration, hotel, flights and participation in the 7th MFW, please contact me Eduard.mauri@efi.int. By now, you should all have your travelling documents and registration to the 7th MFW.
  • In-person speakers, remember to fill in the Form for Entry to Turkey the last 72 hours before travelhttps://register.health.gov.tr/
  • On-line speakers should receive the link to connect during this week. I am sorry but I ignore which videoconference platform will be used. Make sure that you have a stable internet connection.

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