“Akdeniz’de Entegre Yangın Yönetimi için Yenilikçi Uygulamalar” Yan Etkinliği- 22 Mart 2022 18:00

21-25 Mart 2022 tarihlerinde Antalya’da yapılacak “Silva Mediterranea 24. Oturumu ve 7. Akdeniz Orman Haftası” yaklaşıyor.

Buradaki ana programlara ilaveten yan etkinlikler de yapılacak. Bunlardan bir tanesi 22 Mart 2022 Salı günü saat 14:30-17:00 arasında yapılacak olan “DAYANIKLI PEYZAJLAR, GÜVENLİ TOPLULUKLAR: Akdeniz’de Entegre Yangın Yönetimi için Yenilikçi Uygulamalar-RESILIENT LANDSCAPES, SAFE COMMUNITIES: Innovative Practices for Integrated Fire Management in the Mediterranean” başlıklı yan etkinlik.

Bu yan etkinlik Avrupa Orman Enstitüsü koordinatörlüğünde;

Barcelona Şehir İdaresi-Barcelona Provincial Council,

Silva Mediterranea Orman yangınları çalışma grubu- Silva Mediterranea Forest Fires Working Group (WG1), coordinated by the Ministry for the Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (Spain)

Türkiye Orman Genel Müdürlüğü-General Directorate of Forestry-OGM (Turkey) ve Orman Mühendisleri Odası-The Chamber of Forest Engineers of Turkey işbirliğinde düzenleniyor.

Yan etkinlik temelde iki bölüme ayrılıyor. Birinci bölümde ülke örnekleri var. Halihazırda İspanya, Yunanistan ve Lübnan’dan sunumlar öngörülmüş.

İkinci bölümde ise önce yangın durum belgesi ve anket sonuçları sunulacak. Ardından bu iki belge panelistler tarafından değerlendirilecek. Burada Portekiz, Cezayir ve Bosna Hersek’ten panelistler var. Türkiye veya FAO adına tahsis edilen panelist henüz doldurulmamış.

I hope that this e-mail finds you well. Ismail Belen (here in copy) gave me your contact.

The European Forest Institute (EFI), the Spanish Ministry for Ecological Transition and Demographic Challenge (MITECO), the Turkish General Directorate of Forestry (OGM), The Chamber of Forest Engineers of Turkey and the Diputació de Barcelona (Spain) would like to invite you to be panellist at the side event Resilient landscapes, safe communities. Innovative Practices in Integrated Fire Management in the Mediterranean, in the 7th Mediterranean Forest Week (MFW), on Tuesday 22 March. This side event wants to explore the current approaches and future priorities regarding wildfire prevention in different Mediterranean countries, and understand future development needs.

As panellist, you would participate in the 1-hour round table, with three other panellists, and debate about the results of the survey 10 years of wildfire prevention in the Mediterranean. The objective of the debate is to identify the main topics of interest to set the basis for the new position paper on wildfire prevention in the Mediterranean. More concretely, we want to define i) the main topics (first index draft) of a new position paper on wildfire prevention in the Mediterranean (an update of the former one), and ii) the definition of next steps for the work ahead. See the programme attached. If you accept, I will share the results of the survey with you, so you can prepare your intervention.

The 7th MFW will take place in Antalya, Turkey, as an in-person event. Exceptionally, the organisers will allow speakers (but not attendees) to participate remotely, although they prefer to be physically present. The official languages of the event are English, French and Turkish. FAO is co-organiser of the event, therefore there should be not problem for a last minute registration and your travel expenses taken in charge. Contact person in FAO is Mr. Giovanbattista DeDato Giovanbattista.DeDato@fao.org

On behalf of the organising partners of this side event, I hope that you will be able to join us in the 7th Mediterranean Forest Week. Your reply would be appreciated as soon as possible. If positive, please, attach a photo and 100-word biopic for the programme.

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