Sustainable Land Management Legislation and Gap Analysis Report

This report, titled “Sustainable Land Management Legislation and Gap Analysis”, was prepared for FAOSEC under the project “Sustainable Land Management and Climate Friendly Agriculture (GCP/TUR /055/GFF)”. The project objective is to improve sustainability of agriculture and forests land use management through diffusion and adoption of low-carbon technologies with win-win benefits in land degradation, climate change and biodiversity conservation and increase farm profitability and forest productivity. This project is being implemented in the partnership of NGOs, private sector and governmental institutions including Ministry of Forestry and Water Affairs, Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Livestock and FAOSEC.

Sustainable land management related issues are known in Turkey. However, there is still a need to work in an integrated way among ministries, local governments, non-governmental organizations and private sector in order to get effective results. Sustainable land management creates common understanding and requires cooperation between institutions.  The lack of legislation regulating the co-operation of ministries and other interested parties emerges as an important gap. Likewise, there are gaps in the secondary legislation needed to transfer international conventions into practice. The suggestions on these topics are listed in the relevant sections of the report.

1 February-2018-SLM_Gap Analysis Report

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Geleceğe GÖNDERiler

Geleceğin, kişilerin hayalleriyle ve yaptıklarıyla şekilleneceğinin farkındayız. Herhangi bir şeyi daha iyiye götüreceğine inandığınız bir düşünceniz mi var? Herhangi bir konuda yeni bir fikriniz mi var? “Buldum” dediğiniz bir şey mi icat ettiniz? Heyecanınızı yürekten paylaşıyoruz. “Geleceğe GÖNDERi”lerinizi bizimle paylaşın, destek olalım! Lütfen görüş ve önerilerinizi eposta adresi ile bizimle paylaşın. Köşe Yazıları bölümünde yazı […]