İkinci Eğitim-İkinci Gün 14 Nisan 2019

April 14, 2019 Sunday


The participants departed from the hotel at 08:00 am on the second day of Sunday, April 14, 2019.

Due to field trip, they moved to Büyükada (Princes Island) of Istanbul. During the way to ferry they were able to see the cultural and historical places of Istanbul such as Sultanahmet Mosque and Hagia Sofia.

Figure 3 Map of Istanbul’s Islands


In addition to Kyrgyz participants, İsmail Belen on behalf of OMO and Nihat Karakaya on behalf of OGM joined to field trip. Murat Gümüş from Regional Directorate of Forest of Istanbul also participated.

A team headed by Ms. Hanife Sevinç from State-owned News Agency called Anadolu Agency https://www.aa.com.tr/en joined to field trip.

During the way on ferry, the delegation met by chance with Prof. Dr. Ali Ömer Ömer, the Head of Forest Engineers Department http://www.ktu.edu.tr/ormanmuhendislig-yonetim  of the Karadeniz (Black Sea)  Technical University, Faculty of Forestry http://www.ktu.edu.tr/rus  Herewith it is made useful discussion on forestry education in Turkey.

The delegation was welcomed by the Istanbul Forest Regional Directorate, Forest Pest Control Branch Director Ahmet Yasin Çelen and Kanlıca Forestry Directorate Adalar Forest  Chief Ms. Seval Aktaş. In the name of the Chamber of Forest Engineers, Alemdağ Forest  Chief Mr. Turgay Deligöz was present.


The delegation first visited the Islands Forest Building. The insect production laboratory in the building was examined. Information is provided by the authorities here.

Figure 4 Premises of Adalar (Islands) Forestry Administration


After visiting the laboratory with customised clothes delegation went to inside forest to see how predatory insects are left in the forest.

Then the Island Fire Tower was visited and a detailed presentation was made here by relevant officials.

In this presentation, the activities fight against forest pests and diseases conducted by Istanbul Forestry Regional Directorate introduced. The insects that cause the most damage in Istanbul’s forests “are listed as follows.

Text Box 1 The Insect Cause Istanbul’s Forests

·         Thaumetopoea pityocampa (Schiff.)

·         Ips sexdentatus (Boern.)

·         Ortotomiscus erosus (Germ.)

·         Tomicus piniperda

·         Tomicus minor

·         Cryphonectria parasitica (Murr.)

·         Lymantria dispar(L.)

·         Tortrix viridana

·         Melanophila picta (Pall.)



Figure 5 Thaumetopoea pityocampa) Figure 6Thaumetopoea pityocampa -II


Against the insects that damage our forests;

  • Mechanical,
  • Chemical,
  • Biotechnology (Pheromone),
  • Biological,
  • Combined,

Fighting methods are applied.

The news prepared by the Anadolu Agency participating in the delegation can be reached at https://www.trtavaz.com.tr/haber/tur/yasam/gladyator-bocekler-ormanlik-alanlara-birakiliyor/412077

With this program, Kyrgyz participants had a possibility to Turkish experiences and implementation on forest pests and disease. They also had a chance to discuss forestry education of Turkey.

These Pine Bag Insects (Thaumetopoeo pityocampa) harm by eating in the hands of a pine forest, prevent the growth of trees. These insects do not dry the trees, but cause slowing growth and image pollution. This situation is very closely related to the image and work of the forest organization.

There are various methods to combat this insect. However, the General Directorate of Forestry follows the methods that will not harm the nature and will not destroy the ecosystem.

The insect called Calosoma sycophanta  is fed by eating pine beetles but not in nature enough. The General Directorate of Forestry supports to increase the population of this insect which does not have any other damages and produces it in the laboratory and releases it to the forests.

For this purpose, Calosoma sycophanta beetle collected from its natural habitat in Antalya is brought to Istanbul or other places, replicated and left to forests. In this way, natural balance is provided. The official video of the General Directorate of Forestry on the fight against pine-beetle can be found at the following link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1-X-ZbL2Z98

With this link it can be found a scientific articles http://dergipark.gov.tr/download/article-file/223745  That article indicates as follows very briefly:

Biological Struggle Against Pine Bag Insect (Thaumetopoeo pityocampa Schiff)


Major biological threat to forest health in Turkey is insect pests and Pine Bag Insects are the most common ones among these insects.  Pine Bag Insects cause damage to pine forests in Mediterranean, Aegean and Marmara region.  Predator inspects follow pine bag inspects and leave their eggs at the places where predator inspects are crasited.

In our research we determined that Calosoma Sycophanta (L.) eats both their larval and new pupa. In this study, our different approach to struggle against forest varmint and to nullify them is to use predator hunter insects (Calosoma sycophanta), which is a biological and nature friend method.  We believe that our study will preserve and protect our forests against the danger of disappearing at alarming rate and it will be one of the urgent protections that our country needs

Figure 7 Calosoma sycophanta  Production Laboratory Figure 8 Releasing Calosoma sycophanta to forest

Some Videos:

İkinci gün olan 14 Nisan 2019 Pazar günü sabah saat 08:00’de otelden hareket edilmiştir.

Teknik gezinin yapılacağı Büyükada’ ya http://www.adalar.gov.tr/ vapurla gidileceği için heyet Eminönü Vapur iskelesine geçilmiştir. Bu esnada yol üzerinde bulunan Sultanahmet, Ayasofya gibi mekanlar da görülmüştür. Kırgız katılımcılara ilaveten, OMO adına İsmail Belen, OGM adına Nihat Karakaya, Tercüman Maye Yılmaz da heyete iştirak etmiştir.

Saat 10:10’da Eminönü-Büyükada Vapuruna geçilmiştir. Burada heyete İstanbul Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Basın ve Halkla İlişkiler Bürosu Personeli Murat Gümüş de iştirak etmiştir.

Bir Devlet kurumu olan Anadolu Ajansından görevliler de, Hanife Sevinç Başkanlığında heyete katılım sağlamıştır. https://www.aa.com.tr/

Vapurda seyahat esnasında, Karadeniz Teknik Üniversitesi Orman Fakültesi http://www.ktu.edu.tr/rus Orman Mühendisliği Bölümü Başkanı Prof. Dr. Ali Ömer Üçler http://www.ktu.edu.tr/ormanmuhendisligi-yonetim ile karşılaşılmış, bu vesile ile faydalı bir görüşme de yapılmıştır.

Büyükadaya vardıklarında heyet İstanbul Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Orman Zararlıları ile Mücadele Şube Müdürü Ahmet Yasin Çelen https://istanbulobm.ogm.gov.tr/Sayfalar/Kurulusumuz/Yonetim.aspx ve Kanlıca Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü Adalar Orman İşletme Şefi Seval Aktaş ve Orman Mühendisleri Odası adına ise yine Alemdağ Orman İşletme Şefi Turgay Deligöz tarafından karşılanmıştır. https://istanbulobm.ogm.gov.tr/Lists/KanlicaIsletmeMudYonetim/ozgecmisli.aspx

Heyet önce Adalar Orman İşletme Şefliği binasını ziyaret etmiş, Şeflik binası alt katında yer alan böcek üretim laboratuvarı incelenmiştir. Burada yetkililer tarafından bilgi verilmiştir.

İstanbul Bölge Müdürlüğü haber linkihttps://istanbulobm.ogm.gov.tr/SitePages/OGM/OGMHaberler.aspx?l=a6c6e711-a9df-4208-a99f-1f5c6035a7ed&i=935



Ardından Adalar Yangın Kulesi ziyaret edilmiş, burada Şube Müdürü Ahmet Yasin Çelen ve Adalar Orman İşletme Şefi Seval Aktaş tarafından detaylı  sunumlar yapılmıştır. Diğer taraftan üretilen böceklerin nasıl görev yaptığına dair arazi uygulaması yapılmış ve Anadolu Ajansına detaylı bir mülakat verilmiştir.

  • Öğle yemeği http://www.konakrestaurant.com/ adresinde yenmiştir.
  • Büyükadaya gidiş deniz otobüsü ile dönüş ise Bostancı istikametine deniz taksileri ile yapılmıştır.


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