İkinci Eğitim- Altıncı Gün-18 Nisan 2019 Perşembe

April 18, 2019 Thursday


The presentations continued on Thursday, April 18, 2019, the sixth day of the training program. The program started with the opening and evaluation speeches of İsmail Belen, Nihat Karakaya and Mitat Uyan.

On the subject of “Cooperation and collaboration with forest villagers and civil society organisation”  the following people and officials shared their experiences and thoughts.

  • Mehmet Demirkol, Sub-district Director- Chief Engineer of Döşemealtı
  • Ahmet Batur, Village Chief-Reeve of Odabaşı Village, Kepez, Antalya
  • Ali Rıza Özçanak, Forest Protection Officer, (Forest Protection Officers and Pensioners Association
  • Mehmet Özer, Forest Protection Officer, (Forest Protection Officers and Pensioners Association
  • İbrahim Şahiner, Forest Protection Officer, (Forest Protection Officers and Pensioners Association
  • Mustafa Kılıç, Retired Head of Department for Silviculture


Figure 30 Forest Protection Officers Figure 31 Forest Protection Officer -II


As it was explained previously, the forest management system of Turkey is very well organised with high level educated people and engineers. At the field level, the Forest Protection Officers and other workers play a crucial role for all kind of activities. They have direct contact to the villagers, reeves, shepherds, and other people and as well as all kind of flora and fauna. In Turkish system only the Forest Protection Officers has the right and responsibility to wear special uniform.  This is very important responsibility. They also carry private guns to protect themselves against any kind of dangerous situation.

So their engagement and involvement to the procedures and activities have an important role on succeeding the General Directorate of Forests aims. They are also responsible to conduct related activities against forest pests and diseases.

Participants joined to fire training program organized by the General Directorate of Forestry for their own personnel and visited the simulation center.

Figure 32 Forest Fire Simulation Center Figure 33 Forest Fire Simulation Center -II


At the afternoon of the same day participants visited to “Güllük Mountain National Park” http://bolge6.ormansu.gov.tr/6bolge/AnaSayfa/milliparklar/gullukdagi_termessos_milliparki.aspx?sflang=tr in order to see the activities carried out in “protected areas”

Figure 34 Güllük Dağı National Park Figure 35 Güllük Dağı National Park -II




Eğitim proğramının altıncı günü olan 18 Nisan 2019 Perşembe günü sunumlara devam edilmiştir.

Program İsmail Belen, Nihat Karakaya ve Mitat Uyan’ ın açılış ve değerlendirme konuşmaları başlamıştır.

“Ormanları korumada orman köylüleri ve sivil toplum kuruluşları ile iş birliği” konusunda;

  1. Antalya Orman İşletme Müdürlüğü Döşemealtı Orman İşletme Şefi Mehmet Demirkol,
  2. Antalya İli Kepez İlçesi Odabaşı Köyü Muhtarı Muhtarı Ahmet Batur,
  3. Asar Orman İşletme Şefliği Orman Muhafaza Memuru Ali Rıza Özçanak, (Orman Muhafaza Memurları ve Emeklileri Derneği)
  4. Antalya Orman İşletme Şefliği Orman Muhafaza Memuru  Mehmet Özer,
  5. Antalya Orman İşletme Şefliği Orman Muhafaza Memuru İbrahim Şahiner,
  6. Emekli Orman Genel Müdürlüğü Başmüfettişi-Silvikültür Dairesi Başkanı Mustafa Kılıç tecrübelerini paylaşmışlardır.

Katılımcılar kahve arasında Orman Genel Müdürlüğünün kendi personeli için düzenlemekte olduğu “yangın eğitimine” iştirak etmiş ve simülasyon merkezini gezmiştir.

Öğleden sonra ise “orman içi korunan alanlarda yürütülen faaliyetleri” yerinde incelemek için Güllük Dağı Milli Parkı ziyaret edilmiştir.





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