Akdeniz Orman ve Peyzaj Restorasyonu İçin Agadir Taahhüdü (Girişimi)

Birincisi 2010 yılında Türkiye’de yapılan “Akdeniz Orman Haftası” nın beşincisi 20-24 Mart 2017 tarihleri arasında Fas’ ın Agadir şehrinde yapılacak. Bu kapsamda 24 Mart 2017 Cuma günü “High Level Segment- Üst Seviye Oturum” düzenlenecek.

Color-exagerated view of a leather-processing area inside the medina of Fez, Morocco. Be glad pictures don’t smell (@torrenegra).

Bu oturumda “Akdeniz Orman ve Peyzaj Restorasyonu İçin Agadir Taahhüdü (Girişimi)” nin kabul edilmesi bekleniyor.

Bu Deklarasyonun-Taahhüdün-Girişimin FAO Silva Mediterranea Sekretaryası tarafından hazırlanan taslak metnine buradan ulaşmak mümkün. 9-Agadir-commitment-en (1)

Yazıya başlamadan değinecek olursa; Orman Genel Müdürlüğü ve ÇEM Genel Müdürlüğünün yazılarına istinaden Türkiye Orman ve Su İşleri Bakanı Prof. Dr. Veysel Eroğlu’ nun resmi mektubu ile bu girişime destek olacağını resmi olarak duyurdu.

Letter of Turkish Government On MFW and RMI on FLR-16 March 2017

Bu girişimin (taahhüdün) içeriğine girmeden önce konunun geçmişine ve Ülkemiz ile irtibatına bakacak olursak;

Bu çerçevede 5. Akdeniz Orman Haftasında kabul edilmek üzere hazırlanan Agadir Taahhüdü (Taslak) metin 4 Mart 2017 tarihi itibari ile  aşağıdaki hususları içeriyor.

Agadir Commitment (draft version)

We, the participants to the high level segment of the fifth Mediterranean Forest Week held in Agadir, Morocco on the 24th of March 2017, have taken note of the strategic orientations arising out of the 5th Mediterranean Forest Week regarding major issues concerning Forest and Landscape Restoration (FLR) and Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN).

Akdeniz Orman Haftası Üst Seviye Toplantısına katılanlar olarak bizler, burada dile getirilen hususların FLR ve LDN ile bağlantılarını not ediyoruz. (FLR FAO tarafından, LDN ise UNCCD tarafından koordine ediliyor. Türkiye tarafından başlatılan Ankara girişimi de bunlarla bağlantılı)

Noting the major contribution of Forest and Landscape Restoration to the effective implementation of global commitments made by Mediterranean countries within the framework of the main international conventions, namely:

Orman ve arazi-peyzaj restorasyonunun Akdeniz Ülkelerinin aşağıda sıralanan uluslararası sözleşmeler çerçevesinde verdikleri taahhütlere katkısını dikkate alarak;

The achievement of the objectives set by the Paris Agreement within the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCC) that clearly states, noticeably in Article 5 of the Agreement and in paragraph 55 of Decision 1/CP.21 of COP 21, the need to promote actions: (i) contributing simultaneously to Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation and (ii) favoring the provision of multiple benefits, including non-carbon benefits, supporting a deeper integration of our FLR efforts with our respective Nationally Determined Contributions as an operational option for the implementation of the Paris Agreement. Moreover, the Marrakech Action Proclamation for our climate and sustainable development adopted at the COP 22 emphasized climate change adaptation efforts and reaffirmed the commitment for a complete implementation of the Paris Agreement;

Paris’te düzenlenen Birleşmiş Milletler İklim Değişikliği Çerçeve Sözleşmesi esnasında imzalanan Paris Anlaşmasının 5. Maddesi ve COP21′ in 1 Nolu Kararının 55. Paragrafında ifade edildiği gibi;

The achievement of the objectives on Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN), set by the United Nations Conference to Combat Desertification (UNCCD) in the twelfth Conference of the Parties held in Ankara, Turkey in October 2015, that requires, on one hand, efforts to reverse the current trend of Mediterranean land ecosystems degradation and, on the other hand, efforts to invest massively in initiatives aimed at the sustainable restoration of already degraded ecosystems in the Mediterranean region;

2015 yılında Ankara’da düzenlenen UNCCD COP12’de dile getirildiği gibi- Ankara girişimi eklenebilir

The achievement of the Aichi targets 5, 14 and 15 of the Strategic Plan for Biodiversity 2011-2020 regarding the reduction by half of the loss, degradation and fragmentation of natural habitats, the safeguard of ecosystems providing essential services and the restoration of at least 15% of degraded ecosystems in order to improve their contribution to Climate Change Mitigation and Adaptation, adopted within the framework of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD), the importance of which was clearly reaffirmed in the Cancun Declaration, approved on December 2016 at the thirteenth Conference of the Parties held in Mexico.

2016 yılında Meksika’da düzenlenen CBD COP13′ te kabul edildiği gibi

Noting the Collaborative Partnership on Mediterranean Forests launched in 2010 to foster the implementation of sustainable forest management and the conservation of the services provided by these ecosystems in the current context of climate change at the Mediterranean level.

2010 yılında oluşturulan Akdeniz Ormanları İşbirliği Ortaklığı–   http://www.gonder.org.tr/?p=2319

Noting the operational dimension of FLR actions for the achievement of several Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) adopted in 2015 by the United Nations General Assembly and, in particular, Objective 15 which aims to “protect, restore and promote sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, sustainably manage forests, combat desertification, and halt and reverse land degradation and halt biodiversity loss”.

FLR 2015 yılında BM Genel Kurulu tarafından kabul edilen SKH ile yakından ilgili, özellikle 15 Nolu Hedef- http://www.gonder.org.tr/?s=S%C3%BCrd%C3%BCr%C3%BClebilir+Kalk%C4%B1nma+Hedefi

Noting that FLR contributes directly to the global objective 1 of the UN Strategic Plan for Forests 2017-2030 adopted by the UNFF in January 2017 that aims to reverse the loss of forest cover worldwide through sustainable forest management, including protection, restoration, afforestation and reforestation, and increase efforts to prevent forest degradation and contribute to the global effort of addressing climate change, with the objective of increasing the global forested area of 3% by 2030.

FLR 2017 Ocak ayında kabul edilen BM 2017-2030 Ormancılık Stratejik Planı ile yakından ilgili

Recognizing the importance of the Bonn Challenge, an international initiative launched in 2011 with the leading support of Germany, intended at promoting quantified national commitments on Forest and Landscape Restoration, on the basis of analyses demonstrating the concurrent economic, social and environmental benefits of restoration efforts and likely to facilitate a more coordinated mobilization of the financial resources needed for the achievement of these commitments.

BONN Girişimi

Appreciating the collective mobilization of the members of the Global Partnership on Forest Landscape Restoration (GPFLR) in supporting our respective countries in the implementation of our national restoration objectives for degraded ecosystems in the Mediterranean region.

Orman Peyzajı Restorasyonu Küresel İşbirliği

Noting that Forest and Landscape Restoration and the challenge to increase our efforts to Combat Desertification have already been recognized by our respective countries as priorities at the regional level within the framework of the Tlemcen Declaration, endorsed by the high level segment of the third Mediterranean Forest Week in March 2013, and within the Strategic Framework on Mediterranean Forests also adopted in Tlemcen and whose Strategic Line 6 aims to “ restore degraded Mediterranean forest landscapes with the objective of promoting resilience under global changes”.

Bölgesel olrak bu girişimleri destekliyoruz

Acknowledging the added value of the various initiatives aimed at implementing the Bonn Challenge at the regional level to address that global aspiration to Forest and Landscape Restoration, such as the 20 x 20 initiative that aims to restore 20 million hectares of degraded land in Latin America and in the Caribbean by 2020 or the AFR100 initiative aimed at restoring 100 million hectares of degraded land in Sub-Saharan Africa by 2030.

Bonn Challenge için başlatılan ilave girişimler mevcut

Recognizing that Forest and Landscape Restoration and Land Degradation Neutrality in the Mediterranean region are consistent and prone to successful collaboration with regional initiatives encompassing the Sahel, such as the Great Green Wall Initiative for the Sahara and the Sahel that aims to combat desertification and land degradation.

Büyük Yeşil Duvar Projesi

Recognizing the substantial contribution of the initiatives launched during COP 22 regarding Forest and Landscape Restoration, in particular those directed towards Africa and the Mediterranean, namely:
i) The 3 S Initiative “Sustainability, stability and security in Africa” led by Morocco and Senegal and supported by the UNCCD that aims to promote sustainability, stability and security to face migration due to land degradation and climate change. The 3 S Initiative was adopted at the first Africa Action Summit held on 16 November 2016 in Marrakech by the African heads of state and government who committed to speed up its implementation by mobilizing all state and non-state actors as well as multilateral and bilateral donors.
ii) The AFMS Initiative “Enhanced action for forests in the Med-Sahel region in the context of climate change” led by Morocco that aims at establishing a regional cooperation and partnership framework enabling the implementation of climate change adaption actions integrated with the sustainable management of all types of forests, in line with ongoing processes and initiatives.

Recognizing the role of soil preservation and the combat against soil degradation as an essential component of ecosystem restoration, and emphasizing the link between Forest and Landscape Restoration and the French initiative 4 per 1000 initiated at the UNFCCC COP 21 within the Lima-Paris Action Agenda.

Convinced that the Mediterranean region possesses its own specific features in terms of ecosystems, species and genetic diversity, use of and dependence on forest goods and services provided by forests, and its own specific threats on its forest ecosystems such as forest wildfires or desertification, that require specific regional efforts for Forest and Landscape Restoration.
Confident that a regionally coordinated cooperation on Forest and Landscape Restoration is, therefore, a necessity in order to face the emergency response to counter Mediterranean forest degradation and fragmentation.

SilvaMed Working Group

Noting that Forest and Landscape Restoration is an inclusive process based on sustainable land management and intersectoral synergies whose importance in the context of climate change was emphasized in the Union for the Mediterranean Ministerial Declaration in May 2014.

Recognizing the importance already given at the national level to actions promoting Forest and Landscape Restoration and Land Degradation Neutrality within National Forest Programs and/or national strategies being implemented in the different countries of the Mediterranean region.


We, the participants to the high level segment of the fifth Mediterranean Forest Week held in Agadir, Morocco on the 24th of March 2017, wish that the political and administrative authorities at national level and all other stakeholders involved in the management of forest ecosystems and other wooded areas in the Mediterranean (public and private managers and civil society) strengthen their respective initiatives on Forest and Landscape Restoration and Land Degradation Neutrality while accounting for their national particularities and needs.

In this spirit, we propose a coordinated implementation of the Bonn Challenge at the Mediterranean level and we find the establishment of a Regional Mediterranean Initiative on FLR as a way to pool the efforts of the main actors in the Mediterranean region to be particularly relevant. This Regional Initiative on Forest and Landscape Restoration will be driven by the Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions-Silva Mediterranea and will be established with the support of active financial and technical partners in the region and, in particular, with the support of the main partners of the GPFLR.
The Regional Mediterranean Initiative will aim at reaching the following objectives by 2030:

To assess the ongoing national efforts on FLR so that a quantified regional target to be reached by 2030 can be displayed, thus facilitating the mobilization of financial resources to maintain or even increases these national FLR efforts.

This quantified assessment of a common objective will be based on objective criteria:
A better assessment of the current situation of our territories degradation and of FLR opportunities, focusing on options for the sustainable provision of multiple ecosystem goods and services for the populations in the Mediterranean, and keeping in mind the guidelines for the integration of biodiversity considerations into the restoration of ecosystems contained of the Short-Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration adopted by CBD COP 13;
A precise estimate of the national efforts already planned in the policy documents currently implemented in our respective countries by 2030 and an assessment of additional efforts, potentially achievable by 2030, in order to estimate a consistent regional commitment within the framework of this Mediterranean Regional Initiative;
A regular verification of our respective efforts through the implementation of a monitoring and reporting system adapted to the Mediterranean context (as stated during the monitoring session of 23 March 2017) and taking into account the recommendations and technical proposals developed by experts at the global level in agreement with the guidelines and the five priority axes of the roadmap developed with the support of FAO during the Forest and Landscape Restoration Monitoring Week held in Rome in April 2016.

To reinforce regional cooperation on Forest and Landscape Restoration and on Land Degradation Neutrality, in particular through the mobilization of the experts of the working group on desertification and restoration of Mediterranean drylands of the Committee Silva Mediterranea as well as through the development of targeted strategic collaborations with regions facing similar challenges in drylands such as the Sahel.
The reinforced regional cooperation will focus in particular on the following objectives:
Valorize successful FLR experiences in the Mediterranean region and capitalize on the lessons learnt and on the best practices at the regional level, in particular as regards the long term resilience of restored ecosystems, local governance and territorial approaches such as e.g. Model Forests;
Expand the cooperation on FLR to the Sahel region within the framework of the AFMS Initiative launched by Morocco during the UNFCCC COP 22, in order to reinforce the action in favor of forests in the Mediterranean-Sahel region in the context of climate change;
Assess and promote the contribution of Mediterranean forests in the mitigation of and adaptation to climate change;
Promote the dissemination and the implementation of FAO’s “Global guidelines for the restoration of degraded forests and landscapes in drylands – Building resilience and benefitting livelihoods” as well as the Building Blocks formulated by the Global Mechanism of the UNCCD for the achievement of LDN objectives;
Promote the dissemination and the implementation of the Short Term Action Plan for Ecosystem Restoration adopted at the CBD COP 13 as well as its guidelines on the inclusion of biodiversity considerations in the restoration of ecosystems;
Promote efficient FLR technical recommendations based on diversified and locally adapted forest genetic resources in order to provide to restored forest ecosystems a long term adaptation capacity to climate change, and fostering the dissemination of local species capable of generating income for the Mediterranean populations and multiple ecosystem benefits for our respective countries;
Take better account of Forest and Landscape Restoration and Land Degradation Neutrality in the next editions of the State of Mediterranean Forests, regularly published by the main regional partners under the aegis of the Committee on Mediterranean Forestry Questions-Silva Mediterranea.
To develop a common and diversified strategy for the financing of FLR efforts and reinforce national capacities in order to better mobilize existing financial instruments through actions designed to:
Improve the mobilization of climate finance instruments and, in particular, the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in order to demonstrate the important role of investments in FLR and LDN actions in order to achieve our respective national objectives within the framework of the Paris Agreement and to set up appealing financing restoration projects contributing to climate change adaptation and mitigation and fostering the provision of multiple benefits by our ecosystems (including non-carbon benefits) to populations in the Mediterranean.
Develop a portfolio of transformational and financially appealing projects, potentially eligible to the new Funds for Land Degradation Neutrality (LDN Funds) that are currently being established under the UNCCD;
Promote public-private partnerships, in particular to facilitate the mobilization of private stakeholders in FLR value chains;
Offer to the actors of the Mediterranean regional some tools for capacity building on issues regarding FLR and LDN financing and, in particular, regional and/or national training sessions focused on the formulation of financially appealing projects.
To verify our respective efforts through the establishment of a monitoring and notification system for FLR and LDN efforts in the Mediterranean context consistent with the technical recommendations and proposals developed by experts of GPFLR institutions at the global level within the framework of the roadmap elaborated during the Forest and Landscape Restoration Monitoring Week held in Rome in April 2016.
Take part in the process of developing and adapting to the Mediterranean context approaches, methodological tools and sets of indicators proposed by the experts specialized in FLR monitoring in light of national specificities and requirements inherent to international processes such as the Bonn Challenge and the main United Nations Conventions on the Environment (UNCCD, UNFCCC and CBD); to ensure, in particular, that the suitability of planted trees to planting sites and the adaptive potential of restored forests can be assesses with those developed standards, indicators and monitoring tools;
Implement approaches, methodological tools and set of indicators developed within the framework of the global roadmap for FLR monitoring in coordination with national and international partners involved with Mediterranean countries and especially active members of GPFLR.
Promote the use of information gathered at regional level on forest degradation and fragmentation as well as information on forest restoration objectives, within the framework of the sixth national report to the CBD and especially Aichi objectives 5, 14 and 15.
Consolidate acquired experiences, share them between peers and contribute to the enrichment of dialogue at all levels (local, regional and at the Mediterranean level) on the best practices of FLR and LDN monitoring.


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