Kırgız Birinci Eğitim- Birinci Gün-20 Mart 2019 Çarşamba


The Chamber of Forest Engineers of Turkey is a professional organization (NGO) with the status of “public legal entity” established under the “Union of Chambers of Turkish Engineers and Architects (TMMOB)” by relevant law.

A “LETTER OF AGREEMENT” signed at 11th of March, 2019, Between the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (“FAO”) and Chamber of Forest Engineers of Turkey for provision of trainings on various subjects for the employees of forest enterprises of the State Agency for Environmental Protection and Forestry (SAEPF) in the Kyrgyz Republic, within the project GCP/KYR/010/GFF- “Sustainable Management of Mountainous Forest and Land Resources under Climate Change Conditions”.

According to this LoA the following  3 (three) trainings activities will be organized by the Chamber of Forest Engineers with close cooperation of General Directorate of Forests.

  1. Training Program of “Nursery Plant and Management, Sapling Production with Closed Root System and Afforestation Techniques.
  2. Training Program of Forest Pests and Diseases.
  3. Training Program “Forest Fire”

The first one was organised from 20th of March to 29th of March 2019.  According to the LoA signed a “narrative technical report” of this training must be submitted to FAO not later than 10th of April. This report has been prepared and submitted by OMO to FAO in line with that aim.


Training Program at Glance

Date Activities
11 March 2019 Monday Letter of Agreement signed between  the FAO and the OMO
13 March 2019 Wednesday Identify experts among the members of chambers and relevant institutions and develop TORs of trainers and training materials to develop the training in technical manner.
13 March 2019 Wednesday Preparation of the Nursery Plant and Management, Sapling Production with Closed Root System and Afforestation Techniques Training plan and agenda to define overall details  and implementation structure of training activities.
20 March Wednesday-29 March Friday 2019 Implementation of Training activities
10 April 2019 Wednesday Submission of narrative technical report





Participants of “Nursery Plant and Management, Sapling Production with Closed Root System and Afforestation Techniques Training Program” as follows:

Sıra No İsim Soyisim
1 Tatiana Koblitskaia
2 Aizat Turuspekova
3 Abibilla Temirbaev
4 Sherali Melibaev
5 Kyraly Nazanov
6 Zhusupbek Topchubekov
7 Baktybek Esengulov
8 Ruslan Abdyldaev
9 Manap Talachiev

Dinar Bektursunova, who was on the first list, could not attend the training due to problems in visa procedures.


Translators, Trainers, Consultants from OMO

As stated in the LoA, all training preparations were sent to FAO in time. Maye Yilmaz and Inna Topoeva have been assigned as translators to Russia/Turkish. They been informed in advance about the programme, technical materials and people.

Several trainers from the General Directorate of Forests and universities took part during the programme. On behalf of the General Directorate of Forests, Nihat Karakaya (Forest Engineer from the Headquarter) has been assigned as the coordinator.

From the Chamber of Forest Engineers, Mr. Özgür Balcı (Forest Engineer)  Member of the Board of Directors responsible for professional issues and İsmail Belen (Forest Engineer, Msc.) External Relations Consultant were designated as “Consultant”.

Daily Programs

20th March 2019, Wednesday

Participants came to Istanbul from Bishkek by Turkish Airlines were met at the airport by translator and the consultant in the early morning at about 8:00 am at the airport. Then they came to “Divan Istanbul City Hotel” booked and paid by FAO with a minibus rented by OMO.

After check-in formalities participants have been informed about the whole programme in detail.

During this briefing, the bags prepared especially for this training delivered to participants. “Name badges and tags to be put on the table” prepared for the participants.

Kyrgyz, FAO and GEF flags were prepared. Materials such as project posters, roll-ups were prepared and used in all meetings.

WhatsApp group for all team including Kyrgyz attendees, interpreters and OMO staff was formed and developments were immediately shared. Interpreters have the task of translations in this WhatsApp group.

Figure 1 First Day of the Program

After lunch, the Atatürk Arboretum of the Istanbul Regional Directorate of Forestry, was visited. This arboretum, created with hundreds of domestic and foreign tree species, is considered as a good example for the afforestation studies.

Figure 2 Poster of Training Program Figure 3 Some Project Materails


During this visit some presentations were submitted to the participants by the relevant experts and authorities as follows:

Figure 4 Meeting at Istanbul Arboretum Figure 5 Field trip at Istanbul Arboretum


After briefing and presentations, together with officials, participants visited to field.

The continuation of this, participant visited to Istanbul Forest Nursery Directorate.

During this visit the following people were present and shared their experiences.

  • Regional Director of Istanbul Mr. Recep Ateş,
  • Deputy Regional Director Mr. İlyas Özdemir,
  • Director of Forest Nursery Nejdet Balcı,
  • Deputy Director of Nursery Mehmet Kaplan,
  • Chief Engineer Murat Güleken

After presentations participants visited the nursery with relevant experts.


Figure 6 Meeting at Istanbul Nursery Figure 7 Field Trip to Istanbul Nursery

Please visit this link for more information:

Orman Mühendisleri Odası ve FAO arasında yapılan işbirliği kapsamında heyet listesinde yer alan 9 Kırgız Ormancı 20 Mart 2019 günü İstanbul’a gelmiştir. Listede yer alan bir kişi vize işlemleri nedeniyle heyete katılamamış ve Türkiye’ye gelememiştir.

Buna göre katılımcılar aşağıdaki isimlerden oluşmuştur.

Plana uygun şekilde gelen heyet 20 Mart 2019 Çarşamba sabahı saat 08:00 civarında havalanı çıkışında Orman Genel Müdürlüğünce eğitici olarak görevlendirilen Orman Mühendisi Nihat Karakaya ve Tercüman Maye Yılmaz tarafından karşılanmış ve kiralanmış olan araçla Divan İstanbul City Hotel’ e getirilmiştir.

Maye Yılmaz Özgeçmiş: Maye_YILMAZ_Tercume-GÜNCEL 2019-eng

Katılımcılar Otelde Orman Mühendisleri Adına Orman Yüksek Mühendisi İsmail Belen tarafından karşılanmıştır. Check in işlemlerinin ardından bir toplantı yapılmış ve program detaylı şekilde kendileri ile paylaşılmıştır. Bu esnada;

  1. Hazırlatılan çantalar kendilerine dağıtılmıştır.
  2. İsimlikler teslim edilmiştir.
  3. Projeyi tanıtıcı poster, ülke bayrağı, kırlangıçlar tüm toplantılarda hazır edilmiştir.

Ardından Şişli’de bulunan Patişah Sofrası isimli mekanda öğlen yemeği yenmiştir.

Öğle yemeğinin ardından saat 14:00-15:00 ararsında İstanbul Orman Bölge Müdürlüğü Bahçeköy İşletme Müdürlüğüne ait Atatürk Arboretumu ziyaret edilmiştir. Burada;

  1. İstanbul Orman Bölge Müdür Yardımcısı İlyas Özdemir,
  2. Bahçeköy Orman İşletme Müdürü Fatih Altunordu,
  3. İstanbul Fidanlık Müdürü Nejdet Balcı,
  4. Atatürk Arboratumu Şefi Merve Kartaloğlu Sönmez tarafından bilgi verilmiş, ardından saha ziyaret edilmiştir.

Ardından saat 15:00-19:00 arrasında İstanbul Orman Fidanlık Müdürlüğü ziyaret edilmiş, burada;

  1. İstanbul Orman Bölge Müdürü Recep Ateş,
  2. Bölge Müdür Yardımcısı İlyas Özdemir,
  3. Fidanlık Müdürü Nejdet Balcı,
  4. Fidanlık Müdür Yardımcısı Mehmet Kaplan,
  5. Fidanlık Şefi Murat Güleken tarafından çalışmalar hakkında teorik ve uygulamalı  bilgi verilmiştir.


Akşam yemeğinin ardından günlük program tamamlanmış ve katılımcılar otele gitmiştir.

One Response to Kırgız Birinci Eğitim- Birinci Gün-20 Mart 2019 Çarşamba

Geleceğe GÖNDERiler

Geleceğin, kişilerin hayalleriyle ve yaptıklarıyla şekilleneceğinin farkındayız. Herhangi bir şeyi daha iyiye götüreceğine inandığınız bir düşünceniz mi var? Herhangi bir konuda yeni bir fikriniz mi var? “Buldum” dediğiniz bir şey mi icat ettiniz? Heyecanınızı yürekten paylaşıyoruz. “Geleceğe GÖNDERi”lerinizi bizimle paylaşın, destek olalım! Lütfen görüş ve önerilerinizi eposta adresi ile bizimle paylaşın. Köşe Yazıları bölümünde yazı […]